A Company, A Community, A KSB


I. IACS Report No. 47 on “Shipbuilding and Repair Quality Standard”

KSB Shipyard complies with International Association of Classification Societies (IACS) Requirements, under the scope of IACS Report 47, (2013). The scope of standards covers the requirement for new construction, qualifications of personnel and procedures to the fabrication standards, as well as the remedial action that KSB Shipyard shall have in provision.



II. The IMO Performance Standard for Protective Coatings (PSPC)

For Water Ballast Tanks

IMO MSC.215 (82) Performance Standard for Protective Coatings for water ballast tanks - a standard designed to achieve a target coating lifetime of 15 years in dedicated seawater ballast tanks and double side-skin spaces of bulk carriers.

All coatings must now have a 'Type Approval Certificate' (TAC) which means that the product has demonstrated the expected performance, the quality of the supplied material is assured and that the supply location has met the requirements of the classification society.


For Crude Oil Tanks

In addition to the IMO MSC.215 (82) Performance Standard for Protective Coatings for water ballast tanks, crude oil tanker owners face a new set of SOLAS regulations, approved by the IMO at MSC87, in May 2010, which are designed to ensure the longevity of cargo oil tanks.

The IMO MSC.291(87) Performance Standard for Protective Coatings for Cargo Oil Tanks of Crude Oil Tankers is a standard designed to achieve a target coating lifetime of 15 years in cargo oil tanks of newly constructed crude oil tankers greater than 5,000dwt where;

  • The building contract is placed on or after 1st January 2013 or, in the absence of a building contract,
  • The keels of which are laid or which are at a similar stage of construction on or after 1st January 2014,
  • Or the delivery of which is on or after 1st January 2016.

All coatings used within the cargo oil tanks will need to comply with PSPC regulations effective from 1st January 2013 - to comply; tank coatings must have a 'Type Approval Certificate'.



III. KSB Shipyard Standard 

The standard generally applies to conventional ship types, hull structures constructed from normal and higher strength hull structural aluminium and steel. The applicability of the standard is in accordance with agreement by each Bureau / Classification Societies.


KSB Shipyard standard covers typical construction methods and gives guidance on quality standards for the most important aspects of such construction. Our internal level of workmanship is a reflection to the acceptability for structure of conventional designs.


KSB Shipyard will take corrective action to improve work processes that produces measurements where a skewed distribution is evident. We will not tolerate on the reliance upon remedial steps that will truncate a skewed distribution of the quality attribute. All of KSB projects shall be carried out by qualified welders under proper supervision, in accordance to approved and qualified welding procedures, along with endorsement from respective Bureau Societies.


KSB Shipyard proudly serves the market as an International recognised shipyard with complacent requirements in meeting ISO and OHSAS standards. Our commitment in ensuring the promised quality assurance and safety in all applications is in our honor.
